The Plan Process

The Plan process will be divided into 3 phases.

The first phase will be focused on us listening and learning. The project team will become familiar with the county, engage with the public and stakeholders, and conduct research on trends and forces facing the county.

A steering committee will be created to help guide the process. They will be responsible for reviewing and providing comments on plan topics and deliverables. It is anticipated that the steering committee will meet 7 times throughout the process.

A public workshop will be held to obtain feedback on the current condition of the county and ideas for the future.

The first phase will run from March through August, 2024.

The second phase is the most hands-on portion of the planning process. During this time we will create and test out various visioning, land use, and development scenarios with the public.

Additionally, a vision statement for the county will be drafted along with goals and strategies that represent the county’s priorities

The steering committee will meet 3 times during this phase to review materials and provide feedback.

Two public workshops will be held in this phase. The first will be focused on prioritizing the plan themes and topics. The second will be to review and provide comment on the land use framework for the plan.

The second phase will run from August through November, 2024.

The third and last phase will include drafting and finalizing the plan and getting the plan adopted! This phase will allow for an in-depth review of the content, with multiple opportunities for the public to provide comments and feedback.

The steering committee will meet 2 times during this phase to review materials and provide feedback.

One open house will be held in this phase. The open house will provide the public an opportunity to review and comment on the plan content and materials.

Once the plan is finalized, the adoption process will be commence.

The third phase will run from December, 2024 through March, 2025.